

Fall 2000



There will be two exams: a midterm and a final. The final will be cumulative, but with more emphasis on material covered after the midterm.

The exams are closed-book, but you may bring one 3x5 inch index card full of notes. (You may write on both sides.)

A good exam answer should:

If a question seems ambiguous, make and state a reasonable assumption.


Read the Computer Science Department's official
Statement on Academic Integrity. You will be forced to abide by it.

You are encouraged to study and discuss topics together, especially in the course newsgroup. You may not, however, share significant chunks of work then present it as your own. Of course, you may not work together during exams.

Representing someone else's work as if it were your own is a heinous, career-threatening act. It is dishonest, it robs someone else of their work, and it defeats the purpose of the assignments. The penalty will be far more severe than not turning in the assignment. Don't try to find out just how bad bad can get.


Near the end of the term, you will receive email asking you to do an electronic course evaluation. Please take the time to evaluate us. Your comments will help us improve the course.

Note that you will be asked to fill out separate forms for the instructor and the AI.

Last modified: Sat Jul 22 15:45:06 EST 2000